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Framed Drawing Techniques by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Ink (Drawing and composition for visual storytellers) by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, and published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Ink 2 by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Perspective vol. 1 (Technical perspective and visual storytelling) by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Perspective vol. 2 (Technical drawing for shadows, volume and characters) by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
How to Draw Potrtraits in Charcoal by Nathan Fowkes, published by Design Studio Press.
The fourth book by the award-winning science-fiction and fantasy artist Stephan Martinière. Trajectory showcases Stephans phenomenal artistic range and skills in a stunning new visionary collection.
Animals Real and Imagined: The Fantasy of what is and what might be de Terryl Whitlatch
Principles of creature design: Creating imaginary Animals de Terryl Whitlatch
Science of creature design: Understanding animal anatomy de Terryl Whitlatch
Be swept away into the imaginative and gorgeous world of Sparth's imagination and pick up a few tips!