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Jean Giraud aka Moebius or Gir is a legendary comics author and illustrator. After studying at the Arts Appliqués in Paris, he left France to join his mother in Mexico, where he spent eight months. During that time, he was steeped in the desertic landscapes and became the assistant of Joseph Gillain, also known as Jijé. Under the name "Moebius",...

Jean Giraud aka Moebius or Gir is a legendary comics author and illustrator. After studying at the Arts Appliqués in Paris, he left France to join his mother in Mexico, where he spent eight months. During that time, he was steeped in the desertic landscapes and became the assistant of Joseph Gillain, also known as Jijé. Under the name "Moebius", he created in 1962 a brand new style, oriented towards humor, fantasy and sci-fi. In 1975, he co-founded the magazine Métal Hurlant as well as the publishing house Les Humanoïdes Associés, in which he developped his own unique style. His drawings also drew the attention of some great directors, such as Ridley Scott with Alien (costumes), René Laloux with Les Maîtres du temps (story-board), Steven Lisberger with Tron (costumes), James Cameron with Abyss (deep-sea creatures)and Luc Besson with The Fifth Element. In 1997, he redesigns his own publishing house, Mœbius Production-Stardom, with his wife Isabelle. They publish books from the Inside Mœbius, Arzach l'Arpenteur and his deluxe limited editions such as La Faune de Mars and Le Major.


GIRAUD "MOEBIUS" JEAN Es gibt 31 Artikel.

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