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Gou Tanabe x H. P. Lovecraft : Visions Hallucinées La 52e édition du...
Sketch.Box: Julien Delval, a sketchbook dedicated to Julien Delval's art.
Showcasing his entire Star Trek career to date, this visually stunning...
Here is the latest addition to the Moebius catalog, Destination Tassili...
Moebius - Set of 16 postcards "Inside Moebius"
Novatech Paper demi-mat white 300g/m2. Format 50 x 70 cm Fine Art Print...
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
Novatech Paper demi-mat white 300g/m² Format 50 x 70 cm Fine Art Print...
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
Follow the encounters and discoveries of Rosie, and all her doggy friends on their walks! Only available in French
La Cathédrale de Strasbourg vue par l’illustrateur, John Howe, le grand maître de l’heroic fantasy!ONLY IN FRENCH! Click here for the English version!
Cathedral by heroic fantasy illustrator, John Howe!
Petzi et ses compagnons partent à la recherche d'un mystérieux individu à l'aide d'un drôle de détective ! FRENCH ONLY!
Petzi et ses compagnons prennent des vacances bien méritées !
Petzi et ses compagnons partent pour une nouvelle aventure souterraine ! French version only!
Petzi et ses compagnons retournent dans la ferme de Pierre Ducros pour récolter les fruits de leurs efforts. FRENCH ONLY!
Petzi et ses compagnons viennent aider leurs amis pour les travaux de la ferme. French version only!
Petzi et ses amis partent à la recherche de la plus haute montagne du monde... Et il leur arrivera bien des aventures avant d'y parvenir ! ONLY IN FRENCH!
Une nouvelle aventure palpitante de Petzi au coeur d'un volcan ! French version only!
Petzi and his friends are sailing aboard the Mary when they meet an unusual pig. His clumsiness will drag him into funny situations… But lucky for him, his new friends will try to help this poor animal! ONLY IN FRENCH!
Une belle aventure de Noël pour Petzi et tous ses amis ! ONLY IN FRENCH!
Petzi et ses compagnons mettent le cap au sud pour une aventure des plus rafraîchissantes. French version only!
Paisley Rabbit and the Treehouse Contest beautifully illustrated by Christopher Dunn and written by Steve Richardson
Léa Lapin et le concours de cabanes by Christopher Dunn and Richard Stevenson
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, and illustrated by Chris Dunn
Le vent dans les saules (The Wind in the Willows) by Kenneth Grahame, translated in French by Gérard Joulié and illustrated by Chris Dunn
The Night Before Christmas, a literary classic by Clément C. Moore, gorgeously illustrated by Chris Dunn and re-told by Steve Richardson.
La visite de Noël, d'après le poème de Clément C. Moore, illustrée par Chris Dunn et racontée par Steve Richardson THIS BOOK IS IN FRENCH
Balbuzar, special edition in English! The WON-DER-FUL album illustrated by Frédéric Pillot, story by Gérard Moncomble!
Balbuzar, special editionIf you're an illustration geek, this is just a MUST! From Frédéric Pillot, based on a story by Gérard Moncomble French version only!
What would Chucky look like as a little Stan Manoukian's monster? The answer is in his Mini Encyclopaedia of Monsters!
Bunny! is a 100% vegan story with more of Stan Manoukian's little monsters. Bilingual English & French Edition
Species is the first volume of Stan Manoukian's drawings.
Species vol. 2 is the second volume of Stan Manoukian "Species series", gathering even more little monsters than in the first book!
Meelo's Big Adventure is the story of an unusual creature invented and drawn by Stan Manoukian.
The first sketchbook of Stan Manoukian available in hard cover!
Dive into Stan Manoukian's monstrously entertaining world! A six pack of wildly imaginative books published by Caurette Edition 2 prints signed by the artist and numbered 1- 99!
Beatrice Blue's Once upon a Mermaid's tail is a beautiful story of friendship and protecting the oceans. The third story of her critically acclaimed series Once upon a..., about how magical creatures came to have their gifts.
Beatrice Blue's Once upon a Unicorn horn is a magical and fun-filled story about how unicorns got their horns! This is the first in a captivating new series, Once upon a..., about how magical creatures came to have their gifts.
Histoire d'une mouette et du chat qui lui apprit à voler (The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly) Adapted from Luis SEPULVEDA's novel by CEVER IN FRENCH ONLY!
Julie Mellan's first art book! BONUS: exclusive print signed by the artist!
Le petit précis de Champidragonologie, by Xavier Collette. Dracofungus, or Champidragons, as you like. French version only!
The BESTiary - Skecthbook #1 by Armel GAULME FIRST EDITION
The BESTiary - Sketchbook #1.1 by Armel GAULME
A brand new adventure of the Beechwood Bunny Tails serie by Loic Jouannigot (French language only)