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This book will delight anyone interested in fantasy illustration,...
Avec Yémen, Terre de saveurs, partez pour une exploration visuelle et...
Plongez au cœur d'un voyage inédit dans l'univers d'H.P. Lovecraft,...
Stop Tanks With Books, a photograpic testimony of life in Ukraine by...
Framed Environment Design by Marcos Mateu-Mestre presents the artwork,...
Essential book by Syd Mead for film fans, artists and futurologists alike!
Embark on a journey through the art of Gu Zheng Wei imaginative world,...
Whether you’re a beginner or an accomplished artist, The Art of...
Quelle est la place de l’humanité dans un monde dystopique dominé par...
The ultimate visual storytelling book from one of the best in the...
A beautiful book of ghost stories, written and illustrated by film...
Gou Tanabe x H. P. Lovecraft : Visions Hallucinées La 52e édition du...
Sketch.Box: Julien Delval, a sketchbook dedicated to Julien Delval's art.
Showcasing his entire Star Trek career to date, this visually stunning...
Here is the latest addition to the Moebius catalog, Destination Tassili...
Moebius - Set of 16 postcards "Inside Moebius"
Novatech Paper demi-mat white 300g/m2. Format 50 x 70 cm Fine Art Print...
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
SPECIAL FORMAT: 35 X 100 CMNovatech demi-mat white paper 300g/m2
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
Novatech Paper demi-mat white 300g/m² Format 50 x 70 cm Fine Art Print...
50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches) White Novatech semi-matte paper...
Urban Sketch Collection Book Vol. 1 by Kim Dong Ho
Urban Sketch Collection Book vol. 2 by Dong Ho Kim
Space Drawing: Perspective written by artist KIM Dongho!
Christian Heinrich, the illustrator of the famous P’tites Poules (PKJ) has produced a spectacularly beautiful watercolour artbook from over 30 years of travelling and forty sketchbooks. Gorgeous!
Ce qui reste du voyage de Jörg Asselborn (FRANCAIS)Présentation complète de l'ouvrage sur le site des Éditions Caurette
Remains of the Journey by Jörg Asselborn (ENGLISH VERSION) Kickstarter campaign successfully funded in December 2021! More information on the publisher's website
Reisereste by Jörg Asselborn - GERMAN-Kickstarter campaign sucessfully funded in December 2021!More information on the publisher's website
Ce projet, créé pour commémorer les 75 ans de l'agence Magnum Photos, a été initié par Jean-David Morvan, accompagné au dessin par Rafael Ortiz, Scie Tronc et Arnaud Locquet. English version right here!
This project, commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Magnum Photos agency, initiated by Jean-David Morvan, featuring drawings by Rafael Ortiz, Scie Tronc and Arnaud Locquet. English Version - Version française juste ici !
A set of 3 books, superbly capturing Asia’s disappearing traditions and vanishing designs, by Kevin Kelly.
Plongez dans le monde du Château des étoiles avec le coffret The Universe in 1875, illustré par Alex ALICE! (Version française, ici pour la version anglaise) Campagne Kickstarter ici !
Dive further into the incredible world of The Castle in the Stars with The Universe in 1875 and Prototypes, illustrated by Alex ALICE! (English version, over here for the french one) Kickstarter campaign right here!
Dorés London, All 180 Illustrations from London, A Pilgrimage Published by Dover Publications. Gustave Doré
The Kong Crew - Upper Beast Side - Ep. 5 by Eric Hérenguel ENGLISH VERSION ONLY!
Urban Sketch Collection Book vol. 3 by Dong Ho Kim
Discover Dulac's Treasury in 116 stunning color illustrations!
Le rêve de Riff Reb’s et celui de ses lecteurs se réalise dans cette superbe édition – enrichie d’une centaine d’illustrations – du plus célèbre des romans de pirates. FRENCH VERSION ONLY
Dive into Achdé's universe ACHDÉ, Toujours plus à l'Ouest!
The Art of Heikala: Works and Thoughts is Heikala's first professionally published art book. It's a comprehensive collection of her artworks, including exclusive never-before-seen art pieces and works in progress. This beautifully presented hardback book also features step-by-step tutorials on watercolor painting and product design.
Les Éditions Callidor remettent en avant l'illustratrice Suzanne-Raphaële LAGNEAU (1890-1985), injustement tombée dans l’oubli, avec cette édition luxueuse de Salammbô, un chef-d’œuvre de la littérature française écrit par Gustave FLAUBERT. ONLY IN FRENCH!
Size 50 x 70 cm (or 19.7 x 27.6")Printed on Novatech semi-mat paper 250g Jean Giraud, Moebius (or 19.7 x 27.6")
Size 50 x 70 cm (or 19.7 x 27.6")Printed on Novatech semi-mat paper 250g Jean Giraud "Moebius"
Size 50 x 70 cm (or 19.7 x 27.6")Printed on Novatech semi-mat paper 250g Jean Giraud "Moebius"
Moebius - Arzak art book First volume of the Petit Panthéon Moebius series
Dive into the world of The Castle in the Stars with this paperfan illustrated by Alex ALICE ! The Kickstarter campaign is right here if you are curious :)
Dive into the world of the Castle in the stars with this portfolio by Alex ALICE! Here is the Kickstarter campaign if you are curious
Dive further into the incredible world of The Castle in the Stars with the Aethership paper maquette by Alex ALICE! Take a look at the Kickstarter campaign right there!
Dive into the world of the Castle in the stars with this amazing set of 6 bavarian coasters by Alex ALICE! Here is the Kickstarter campaign if you are curious :)
Dive into the world of the Castle in the stars with this amazing notebook illustrated by Alex ALICE, right from the Interplanetary Exhibition! Here is the Kickstarter campaign if you are curious :)
Plongez dans le monde du Château des Étoiles avec l'artbook L'Univers en 1875 et le sketchbook Prototypes, illustrés par Alex ALICE ! Avec une carte de Vénus au format A3 ! Campagne Kickstarter ici !
The Kong Crew - Central Dark - Episode 6 Éric Hérenguel
Le Château des étoiles d'Alex Alice - Édition de luxe Tome 6 - L'exposition interplanétaire de 1875 ONLY IN FRENCH!
Le Château des étoiles d'Alex Alice - Édition de luxe Tome 5 - De Mars à Paris
The Man Who Would Be King Artsist's Edition By Rudyard Kipling and Armel Gaulme, foreword by Érik L’Homme Full presentation of the book on the Caurette Editions website THIS BOOK IS IN ENGLISH ONLY
Le Château des étoiles d'Alex Alice - Édition de luxe Tome 4 - Un Français sur Mars