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"Petar Meseldzija is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest artists in the field of contemporary fantastic art. His style resembles artists like Rembrandt, Frank Frazetta & Alan Lee. He has come a long and interesting way from drawing comic books like Tarzan to the fully dedicated painter he is today."

Petar Meseldžija (born 1965) is a Serbi...

"Petar Meseldzija is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest artists in the field of contemporary fantastic art. His style resembles artists like Rembrandt, Frank Frazetta & Alan Lee. He has come a long and interesting way from drawing comic books like Tarzan to the fully dedicated painter he is today."

Petar Meseldžija (born 1965) is a Serbian comic book author. After moving to the Netherlands he decided to devote himself to illustration and painting, notably in King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table for Grimm Press. He also illustrates books on Serbian tales and mythologies. Petar Meseldžija has won numerous awards, including the Art Show Judges' Choice Award 2001 at the 59th World Science Fiction Convention and the Golden Pen of Belgrade in 2017.


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