They Drew as They Pleased Vol. 3


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They Drew as They Pleased Vol.3: The Hidden Art of Disney's Musical Years (The 1940s - Part Two)

Disney x Chronicle Books, by Didier Ghez and Andrea Deja (introduction).

In this third volume, famed Disney historian, Didier Ghez, profiles six remarkable artists from the newly created Character Model Department.

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Data sheet

AuthorDidier Ghez
PublisherChronicle Books
Number of pages248
Height (cm)22,9
Width (cm)27,7
Thickness (cm)1,9
Weight (kg)1,6
Release date10/10/2017

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About the book:

Walt Disney always envisioned the studios that bear his name remaining relevant by consistently taking creative risks and doing the unexpected. Heading into the 1940s, he crafted an entirely new division of the studio called the Character Model Department, which focused solely on the details of character development.

This latest volume from famed Disney historian Didier Ghez profiles six remarkable artists from that department, sharing uncommon and never-before-seen images of their influential work behind the scenes.

With vivid descriptions and passages from the artists' journals, this visually rich collection offers a rare view of the Disney artists whose work gave rise to many classic Disney characters, and who ultimately rewrote the future of character creation in animation.

Meet one of Disney's pre-eminent animation artists!

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About the collection:

They Drew as They Pleased is a revealing and fascinating series of books about Disney's largely unexamined concept artists, with six volumes spanning the decades between the 1930s and 1990s.

You can check out a flip through of this book on Youtube!

Add to your pleasure with a short but excellent history of our favourite fairy tales!

Illustrator, artists, art books, illustrators, artists, art tutorials, sketch tutorials, drawing tutorials, watercolour tutorials, art tips, how to draw, how to sketch, drawing and sketching workshops, Black and White sketching, graphic novels, comics, sketching comics, Travel journal, travel diary, Children's books, children's illustrated books, children's artists, children's illustrated literature, fantasy creatures, drawing fantasy creatures, Anthropormorphologicalism, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphize, anthropology, mermaids, dragons, books about mermaids, children's books about mermaids, children's books about dragons, drawing mermaids, drawing dragons, unicorns, drawing unicorns, storytelling, storytelling for children, children's authors, children's artists, drawing dogs, Art Poster, Poster Art, Decorative art, Black illustrators, Black artists, Black history month, Women's history month, female artists, American artists, Golden Age of Illustration, American female artists, Aladdin, 1001 Arabian Nights, Rudyard Kipling, India, Indian myths, drawing a tiger, Walt Disney, Disney Artists, 9 old men, Disney animation, Disney animators, sketching, how to draw for animation, drawing for Disney, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, Disney Theme Parks, Lewis Carroll, Fairy tales, illustrated fairy tales, Gothic art, Lovecraft, Victorian Artists, Victorian art, Horror, Disney fairy tales, J. M. Barrie, graphic novels, illustrating a graphic novel, drawing and sketching techniques, drawing perspective, rendering, shading, drawing and sketching landscapes, drawing and sketching characters, drawing and sketching from the imagination, French comics, French artists, Modern French Art, French art books, Proko, Korean Civil War, Korean Art, Korean Artists, Korean Art Books, Super Ani, Kim Jung Gi, Korean Illustrators, Korean Comics, Korean comic artists, Korean Culture, Korean Cultural Art, Modern Korean Art, Modern Korean Artists, Korean History, South Korea, North Korea, Difference between North and South Korea, Perspective, Art Techniques, Drawing Techniques, Drawing from the imagination, Dong Ho Kim, Kim Jung Gi, Miss Jisu, Quentin Tarantino, Huang Jia Wei, Jeong Hyeon Seok, Katsuya Terada, Japanese comics, Japanese Comic art, Japanese Modern Art, Asian Art Books, Asian Artists, Korean Illustrated Books, Japanese animated books, Korean Animated Books, Pyeong Jun Park, Woo Jin Oh, Peter Han, Jeonghyun SEOK Illustrateur, artistes, livres d'art, illustrateurs, artistes, tutoriels d'art, croquis, tutoriels d'aquarelle, astuces d'art. Comment dessiner et dessiner des ateliers de dessin ou dessin.Artistes pour enfants, littérature illustrée pour enfants, sirènes, dragons, créatures fantastiques, dessin de créatures fantastiques, Anthropormorphologie, anthropomorphisme, anthropomorphiser, anthropologie, livres sur les sirènes, livres pour enfants sur les sirènes, livres pour enfants sur les dragons, dessinant des sirènes, dessinant des dragons et des, illustrateurs noirs, artistes noirs, Mois de l'histoire des Noirs, Mois de l'histoire des femmes, artistes féminins, artistes américains, Age d'or de l'illustration, artistes américains, 9 vieillards, animation Disney, animateurs Disney, croquis, comment dessiner pour l'animation, dessin pour Disney, Cendrillon , Alice au pays des merveilles, illustrated contes de fée , Art gothique, Lovecraft, Artistes victoriens, Art victorien, Horreur,, J. M. Barrie .techniques d'éveil et d'esquisse, perspective de dessin, rendu, ombrage, dessin et croquis paysages, dessin et dessin de personnages, dessin et dessin de l'imagination, bandes dessinées françaises, artistes français d'art moderne et d'art français, Aladin, 1001 Mille et une nuits, Rudyard Kipling, Inde, mythes indiens, dessiner un tigre, Guerre civile coréenne, art coréen, artistes coréens, livres d'art coréens, Super Ani, Kim Jung Gi, illustrateurs coréens, bandes dessinées coréennes, culture coréenne et culture coréenneal Art, Art moderne coréen, Artistes modernes coréens, Histoire coréenne, Corée du Sud, Corée du Nord, Différence entre la Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud, Perspective, techniques artistiques et techniques de dessin, dessin à partir de l'imaginaire, BD japonaise, art moderne japonais, livres d'art asiatiques d'origine asiatique et d'artistes coréens d'illustrations japonaises. 일러스트레이터, 아티스트, 아트북, 일러스트레이터, 아티스트, 아트 튜토리얼, 스케치 튜토리얼, 드로잉 튜토리얼, 수채화 튜토리얼, 아트 팁, 드로잉 방법, 스케치 방법, 드로잉 및 스케치 워크샵, 블랙 앤 화이트 스케치, 그래픽 노블, 만화, 스케치 만화, 여행 일기, 어린이 동화, 어린이 일러스트레이션 책, 인어, 용, 인어에 관한 책, 인어에 관한 어린이 동화, 인어에 관한 책, 인어에 관한 어린이 책, 인어 그리기, 용, 유니콘, 드로잉 유니콘, 스토리텔링, 어린이를 위한 스토리텔링, 어린이 작가, 드로잉 개, 아트 포스터, 데코레이션 아트, 흑인 일러스트레이터, 흑인 아티스트, 흑인 역사의 달, 여성 역사의 달, 여성 아티스트, 미국 일러스트레이션의 황금시대, 미국 여성 아티스트, 미국 여성 아티스트, 일러스트레이션의 황금시대, 미국 여성 아티스트, 월트 디즈니, 디즈니 아티스트, 9명의 노인, 디즈니 애니메이션, 디즈니 애니메이터, 스케치, 애니메이션 그리기, 디즈니 그리기, 신데렐라, 이상한 나라의 앨리스, 피터팬, 잠자는 숲속의 미녀, 디즈니 테마 파크, 루이스 캐럴, 동화, 그림 그리기, 디즈니 동화, J. M. 배리, 그래픽 소설, 그래픽 소설, 그래픽 소설 묘사, 드로잉 원근법, 렌더링, 음영법, 풍경 그리기 및 스케치, 인물 그리기 및 스케치, 상상 속의 드로잉 및 스케치, 프랑스 만화, 프랑스 예술가, 현대 프랑스 미술, 프랑스 미술책, 고딕 미술, 빅토리아 예술가, 빅토리아 미술, 호러, 러브크래프트 6.25전쟁, 한국미술, 한국작가, 한국미술도서, 슈퍼애니, 김정기, 한국일러스트레이터, 한국만화, 한국만화, 한국문화, 한국문화예술, 한국현대미술, 한국현대미술, 한국역사, 한국, 북한, 남북한의 차이, 관점, 미술기법, 드로잉 기법, 상상에서 그리기, 김동호, 김정기, 미스지수, 황자웨이, 정현석, 테라다 카츠야, 일본만화, 일본현대미술, 아시아아트북, 아시아아티스트, 한국일러스트북, 일본애니메이션북, 일본애니메이션북, 박평준, 우진오, 피터한, 알라딘, 1001 아라비아의 밤, 루드야드 키플링, 인도, 인도 신화, 호랑이 그리기 Dutch Illustrator, Gotische kunst, Victoriaanse kunstenaars, Victoriaanse kunst, kunstenaars, kunstboeken, illustratoren, kunstenaars, kunst tutorials, schets tutorials, tekenen tutorials, aquarel tutorials, kunst tips, hoe te tekenen, hoe te schetsen, tekenen en schetsen workshops, zwart-wit schetsen, graphic novels, strips, schetsen van strips, reisdagboek, reisdagboek, kinderboeken, geïllustreerde boeken voor kinderen, kinderkunstenaars, geïllustreerde literatuur voor kinderen, zeemeerminnen, draken, boeken over zeemeerminnen, kinderboeken over zeemeerminnen, kinderboeken over draken, zeemeerminnen tekenen, draken tekenen, eenhoorns, eenhoorns tekenen, verhalen vertellen, verhalen vertellen voor kinderen, kinderboekenauteurs, kinderkunstenaars, honden tekenen, Decoratieve kunst, Zwarte illustratoren, Zwarte kunstenaars, vrouwelijke kunstenaars, Amerikaanse kunstenaars, Gouden Eeuw van de Illustratie, Amerikaanse vrouwelijke kunstenaars, fantasiewezens, fantasiewezens tekenen, antropomorfologie, antropomorf, antropomorfiseren, antropologie Walt Disney, Disney Artiesten, 9 oude mannen, Disney animatie, Disney animatoren, schetsen, hoe tekenen voor animatie, tekenen voor Disney, Assepoester, Doornroosje, Disney Themaparken, Sprookjes, geïllustreerde sprookjes, Disney sprookjes, graphic novels, een graphic novel illustreren, teken- en schetstechnieken, perspectief tekenen, renderen, arceren, landschappen tekenen en schetsen, personages tekenen en schetsen, tekenen en schetsen vanuit de verbeelding, Franse strips, Franse kunstenaars, Moderne Franse Kunst, Franse kunstboeken, Koreaanse Burgeroorlog, Koreaanse Kunst, Koreaanse Kunstenaars, Koreaanse Kunstboeken, Koreaanse Illustratoren, Koreaanse Strips, Koreaanse stripkunstenaars, Koreaanse Cultuur, Koreaanse Culturele Kunst, Moderne Koreaanse Kunst, Moderne Koreaanse Kunstenaars, Koreaanse Geschiedenis, Zuid-Korea, Noord-Korea, Verschil tussen Noord- en Zuid-Korea, Perspectief, Kunsttechnieken, Tekentechnieken, Tekenen vanuit de verbeelding, Japanse strips, Japanse stripkunst, Japanse moderne kunst, Aziatische kunstboeken, Aziatische kunstenaars, Koreaanse geïllustreerde boeken, Japanse geanimeerde boeken, Koreaanse geanimeerde boeken, Aladdin, 1001 Arabische Nachten, India, Indiase mythen, tijger tekenen Deutch Illustrator, Künstler, Kunstbücher, Illustratoren, Künstler, Kunst-Tutorials, Skizzen-Tutorials, Zeichen-Tutorials, Aquarell-Tutorials, Kunst-Tipps, wie man zeichnet, wie man skizziert, Zeichen- und Skizzen-Workshops, Schwarz-Weiß-Skizzieren, Graphic Novels, Comics, Comics zeichnen, Reisetagebuch, Reisetagebuch, Kinderbücher, Kinder-Illustrierte, Kinder-Künstler, Kinder-Illustrierte-Literatur, Nixen, Drachen, Bücher über Nixen, Kinderbücher über Meerjungfrauen, Kinderbücher über Drachen, Zeichnen von Meerjungfrauen, Zeichnen von Drachen, Einhörner, Zeichnen von Einhörnern, Geschichtenerzählen, Gotische Kunst, Viktorianische Künstler, Viktorianische Kunst, , Geschichtenerzählen für Kinder, Kinderautoren, Kinderkünstler, Zeichnen von Hunden, Kunstposter, Posterkunst, Dekorative Kunst, Schwarze Illustratoren, Schwarze Künstler, Schwarzer Geschichtsmonat, Frauengeschichtsmonat, Künstlerinnen, amerikanische Künstler, amerikanische, Fantasiewesen, Zeichnen von Fantasiewesen, Anthropormorphologismus, anthropomorph, anthropomorphisieren, Künstlerinnen, Goldenes Zeitalter der Illustration, Disney Artiesten, 9 oude mannen, Disney animatie, Disney animatoren, schetsen, hoe tekenen voor animatie, tekenen voor Disney, Assepoester, Doornroosje, Disney Themaparken, Sprookjes, geïllustreerde sprookjes, Disney sprookjes, graphic novels, een graphic novel illustreren, teken- en schetstechnieken, perspectief tekenen, renderen, arceren, landschappen tekenen en schetsen, personages tekenen en schetsen, tekenen en schetsen vanuit de verbeelding, Franse strips, Franse kunstenaars, Moderne Franse Kunst, Franse kunstboeken, Aladin, 1001 Nacht, Indien, indische Mythen, Tiger zeichnen Koreaanse Burgeroorlog, Koreaanse Kunst, Koreaanse Kunstenaars, Koreaanse Kunstboeken, Koreaanse Illustratoren, Koreaanse Strips, Koreaanse stripkunstenaars, Koreaanse Cultuur, Koreaanse Culturele Kunst, Moderne Koreaanse Kunst, Moderne Koreaanse Kunstenaars, Koreaanse Geschiedenis, Zuid-Korea, Noord-Korea, Verschil tussen Noord- en Zuid-Korea, Perspectief, Kunsttechnieken, Tekentechnieken, Tekenen vanuit de verbeelding, Japanse strips, Japanse stripkunst, Japanse moderne kunst, Aziatische kunstboeken, Aziatische kunstenaars, Koreaanse geïllustreerde boeken, Japanse geanimeerde boeken, Koreaanse geanimeerde boeken, Danish Illustrator, kunstnere, kunstbøger, illustratorer, kunstnere, kunstvejledninger, skitsevejledninger, tegnevejledninger, akvarelvejledninger, kunsttips, hvordan man tegner, hvordan man skitserer, tegne- og skitseworkshops, sort-hvid skitsering, grafiske romaner, tegneserier, tegne tegneserier, rejsejournal, rejsedagbog, børnebøger, illustrerede børnebøger, børnekunstnere, illustreret børnelitteratur, havfruer, drager, bøger om havfruer, børnebøger om havfruer, børnebøger om drager, tegne havfruer, tegne drager, enhjørninger, tegne enhjørninger, historiefortælling, historiefortælling for børn, børneforfattere, børnekunstnere, tegne hunde, kunstplakat, plakatkunst, dekorativ kunst, sorte illustratorer, sorte kunstnere, , kvindelige kunstnere, amerikanske kunstnere, Golden Age of Illustration, amerikanske kvindelige kunstnere, Aladdin, 1001 nats eventyr, , Indien, indiske myter, tegne en tiger grafiske romaner, illustrere en grafisk roman, tegne- og skitseteknikker, tegneperspektiv, gengivelse, skyggelægning, tegne og skitsere landskaber, tegne og skitsere figurer, tegne og skitsere fra fantasien, franske tegneserier, franske kunstnere, moderne fransk kunst, franske kunstbøger, fantasivæsener, tegne fantasivæsener, antropormorfologisme, antropomorf, antropomorfisere, antropologi Koreansk borgerkrig, Koreansk kunst, Koreanske kunstnere, Koreanske kunstbøger, , Koreanske illustratorer, Koreanske tegneserier, Koreanske tegneseriekunstnere, Koreansk kultur, Koreansk kulturel kunst, Moderne koreansk kunst, Moderne koreanske kunstnere, Koreansk historie, Sydkorea, Nordkorea, Forskel mellem Nord- og Sydkorea, Perspektiv, Kunstteknikker, Tegneteknikker, Tegning fra fantasien, Japanske tegneserier, Japansk tegneseriekunst, Japansk moderne kunst, Asiatiske kunstbøger, Asiatiske kunstnere, Koreanske illustrerede bøger, Japanske animerede bøger, Koreanske animerede bøger, Gotisk kunst, victorianske kunstnere, victoriansk kunst, Horror, Lovecraft, Disney-Künstler, 9 alte Männer, Disney-Animation, Disney-Animateure, Skizzieren, Zeichnen für Animation, Zeichnen für Disney, Alice im Wunderland, Dornröschen, Disney-Themenparks, Märchen, illustrierte Märchen, Disney-Märchen, Graphic Novels, Illustration einer Graphic Novel, Zeichnungs- und Skizziertechniken, Perspektive, Rendering, Schattierung, Zeichnen und Skizzieren von Landschaften, Zeichnen und Skizzieren von Charakteren, Zeichnen und Skizzieren aus der Phantasie, Französische Comics, Französische Künstler, Moderne französische Kunst, Französische Kunstbücher, Koreanischer Bürgerkrieg, koreanische Kunst, koreanische Künstler, koreanische Kunstbücher, koreanische Illustratoren, koreanische Comics, koreanische Comiczeichner, koreanische Kultur, koreanische Kulturkunst, moderne koreanische Kunst, moderne koreanische Künstler, koreanische Geschichte, Südkorea, Nordkorea, Unterschied zwischen Nord- und Südkorea, Perspektive, Kunsttechniken, Zeichentechniken, Zeichnen aus der Phantasie, japanische Comics, japanische Comic-Kunst, japanische moderne Kunst, asiatische Kunstbücher, asiatische Künstler, koreanische illustrierte Bücher, japanische animierte Bücher, koreanische animierte Bücher

To learn more about the publisher, visit their website: Chronicle Books
