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TEGN: Book One, Two and Three by Even Mehl Amundsen
Hicham HABCHI's KHAT (Standard): A reflection of a fantasy urban lifestyle! Check out the (very) successful Kickstarter campaign right here ;)
Hicham HABCHI's KHAT (Premium): A reflection of an urban fantastic lifestyle
2022 Sketch Collection by Kim Jung Gi
Character Design Quarterly issue 17, cover by Dani Diez
Jean-Pierre GIBRAT drew Jeanne from his series Le vol du corbeau Poster in 50*40 cm format (or 19,69" x 15,75").
Le Palais des Bains (The Bath Palace) by Mathieu Bablet (Shipping: second half of August)
The Witch King of Angmar by Anato FinnstarkORDERS RUN FROM FEB. 4th TO FEB. 7th 2022!
The Witch King of Angmar by Anato FinnstarkORDERS RUN FROM FEB. 4th TO FEB. 7th 2022!
The Journey Begins by Mathieu Bablet - Print numbered and signed by the artist. Available from Wednesday, November 1st 2023, 4PM CET to Sunday, November 5th 2023, 11:59PM CET.
Angela Sung's charming poster, Portugal Church, 30x40 cm (11.8x15.7 inches). High quality giclée print. 50 copies, signed by the artist!
Hoka Hey ! by Neyef - Fine art print numbered and signed by the artist. Available from Friday, June 21st 18PM CET until Monday, June 24th, 2024, 18PM CET.
Bolchoi Arena, a fine art print by Aseyn. Fine art print numbered and signed by the artist, Aseyn! Available from Friday, October 4th 18PM CET until Monday, October 7th, 2024, 18PM CET.
Tirage de Luxe de Cuba Libre French version only!
Ce projet, créé pour commémorer les 75 ans de l'agence Magnum Photos, a été initié par Jean-David Morvan, accompagné au dessin par Rafael Ortiz, Scie Tronc et Arnaud Locquet. English version right here!
This project, commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Magnum Photos agency, initiated by Jean-David Morvan, featuring drawings by Rafael Ortiz, Scie Tronc and Arnaud Locquet. English Version - Version française juste ici !
The Art of Dean Cornwell by Daniel Zimmer
Pirates, Patriots, and Princesses: The Art of Howard Pyle is an artist retrospective containing more than 60 illustrations
Ken Hultgren's classic reference material, created and published in 1949 by one of the best animators to ever work at Disney Studios, and one of Disney's original 'nine old men'. This exceptional animator famously worked on 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' and 'Bambi' among many others, and later various comic syndicates including Archie Comics.
Travel through the world of Djamila Knopf, an artist and teacher whose Japanese-influenced characters and settings enchant fans worldwide
Embark on a journey through the art of Gu Zheng Wei imaginative world, and uncover a prolific portfolio packed with gritty details of the urban landscape and dark, surreal imagery.
This collection of 70 high-quality illustrations offers the first and only comprehensive survey of Mucha's drawings, and as such, provides a unique insight into the aesthetic qualities that were fundamental to all of the artist's work.
Discover Czech Art Nouveau painter and illustrator, Alphonse Mucha
Les Maîtres de l'Affiche (The Masters of the Poster) is one of the most prestigious and influential art publications in history. Its 256 colour plates have preserved a precious selection of posters from the turn of the twentieth century. This Dover edition is the first complete re-publication of the legendary Maîtres set to devote a full large page to...
Scribbles & Sketches by Paul Bonner Limited edition
Mandy's Beatiful Birthday Suit by Dean Yeagle, signed by the artist.
Ken Hultgren's The Know-How of Cartooning, a timeless guide for advanced and beginner animators alike!
The Drawings of Heinrich Kley, by Dover Publications.
The Art of Max Ulichney Vol. 1 is the first artbook by animation designer and art director, Max Ulchiney.
Art.Box: Daniela Uhlig, the first edition of an art-zine dedicated to Daniela Uhlig!