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Stonehouse's anatomy, anatomy for all artists, by JeongHyun SEOK, aka...
Omphalos (Sketchbook 2015) by Kim Jung Gi More on
Elsewhere - The fantasy art of Jesper Ejsing Read a complete review of...
THE BIG KOPINSKI - Sketches and Illustrations by Karl Kopinski Read a...
Here comes the first sketchbook by the very talented artist Rembert...
Dynamic Bible I - A method for dynamic sketching by acclaimed artist and...
ONLY IN FRENCH! Artbook dédié à Undertaker, la saga mythique illustrée...
Immerse yourself in the disturbing, gothic feminine universe of an...
“ 21” is the second original art book by Malaysian illustrator Zeen...
Shen Xin - The Tale of Mountain and Sea - Chinese Ink Painting Volume 2...
Wayfinder: The Art of Gretel Lusky is the debut artbook from the popular...
Framed Ink 2 by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Perspective vol. 1 (Technical perspective and visual storytelling) by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Drawing Techniques by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
Framed Perspective vol. 2 (Technical drawing for shadows, volume and characters) by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, published by Design Studio Press.
How to Draw Potrtraits in Charcoal by Nathan Fowkes, published by Design Studio Press.
Be swept away into the imaginative and gorgeous world of Sparth's imagination and pick up a few tips!
Things from the Flood de Simon Stålenhag.
Animals Real and Imagined: The Fantasy of what is and what might be de Terryl Whitlatch
Principles of creature design: Creating imaginary Animals de Terryl Whitlatch
Science of creature design: Understanding animal anatomy de Terryl Whitlatch