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Here is the latest addition to the Moebius catalog, Destination Tassili...
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
The Kong Crew Tome 3 - Central Dark by Éric Hérenguel
Terada Katsuya is a japanese mangaka, illustrator, and character designer. He can do anything ! He is famous for his work on Blood: The Last Vampire, Iron Man and Hellboy. He also worked on The Legend of Zelda and Tekken.
He is a very prolific artist and has published several (dense !) sketchbooks.
For more info, please check his Wikipedia Page.
Terada Katsuya is a japanese mangaka, illustrator, and character designer. He can do anything ! He is famous for his work on Blood: The Last Vampire, Iron Man and Hellboy. He also worked on The Legend of Zelda and Tekken.
He is a very prolific artist and has published several (dense !) sketchbooks.
For more info, please check his Wikipedia Page.
Illustration Book by Terada Katsuya and Kim Jung Gi