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Stonehouse's anatomy, anatomy for all artists, by JeongHyun SEOK, aka...
Omphalos (Sketchbook 2015) by Kim Jung Gi More on
Here comes the first sketchbook by the very talented artist Rembert...
THE BIG KOPINSKI - Sketches and Illustrations by Karl Kopinski Read a...
Elsewhere - The fantasy art of Jesper Ejsing Read a complete review of...
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, and illustrated by Chris Dunn
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
The Kong Crew Tome 3 - Central Dark by Éric Hérenguel
Get your hand on the three volumes of the BogossBook serie. Collective, curated by David Foissard.
Bogossbook vol. 1: fine male illustrations is a hardcover book with over 80 artists celebrating the sexiness of men in everyday situations, curated by David Foissard.
Bogossbook vol. 3: fine male illustrations is a hardcover book with over 80 artists celebrating the sexiness of men in everyday situations, curated by David Foissard.
Bogossbook vol. 4: fine male illustrations is a hardcover book with over 80 artists celebrating the sexiness of men in everyday situations, curated by David Foissard.
When you think of watercolor drawings, you don't necessarily think of representations of naked mature men messing around in the dunes, yet, this is what Polleiro loves to represent, with a style that is both realistic and full of humor. (+18)
The Art of Osetes: a beautiful LGBTQ+ art book of male illustrations
The Art of Osetes: a beautiful and explicite artbook of male illustrations 18+ ONLY!