KIM JiSu - Miss Jisu Drawing book 1



KIM JiSu - Miss Jisu Drawing Book vol. 1

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Ficha técnica

AutorKIM JiSu
Número de páginas226
Altura (cm)19
Ancho (cm)15
Peso (kg)600g
IdiomaNo text
Fecha de publicación2018

Más información

Ji Su Kim, also known as Miss Jisu, was born in South Korea’s Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
She has majored in Comic Art and is currently working as an illustrator portraying women’s beauty.

 JiSu Kim is known among her fellow artists for her precise and detailed artwork; her knowledge of the human anatomy combines elegance and style to offer us wonderful expressions and interpretations of the female shapes. We are thrilled to have her first book available alongside the talent of her fellow countrymen!

Find more about Jisu on Facebook and Instagram!
