Jean Giraud “Moebius” - L'Échapée belle - Tirage d'art



50 x 70 cm format (19,6 x 27,5 inches)

White Novatech semi-matte paper 300g/m²

Illustration by Jean Giraud "Moebius"

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Ficha técnica

AutorJean Giraud "Moebius"
EditorMoebius Productions
Altura (cm)70
Ancho (cm)50
Fecha de publicación2024
ISBN 3760285320756

Más información

About the artist: 

Jean Giraud aka Moebius or Gir is a legendary comics author and illustrator. After studying at the Arts Appliqués in Paris, he left France to join his mother in Mexico, where he spent eight months. During that time, he was steeped in the desertic landscapes and became the assistant of Joseph Gillain, also known as Jijé.

About L'Échapée belle :

The Arzak pterodelph has been hit! Its white wing collides head-on with an ancient fang... Will our hero manage to right the flight? Rediscover this scene from Arzak l'Arpenteur, redrawn after the comic came out in 2010.

More than just a character born from the imagination of the absolutely pure genius of Moebius, aka Jean Giraud, Arzak is above all, an heroic alter ego of the artist himself. To follow the adventures of Arzak is to follow the adventures, both real and fantasized, of this iconic artist

It all began with the arrival of a brand new character in my personal little pantheon. A very special character indeed because he was of my own image, my self as a comics hero in a series titled Inside Moebius.

- Moebius

White Novatech semi-matte paper 300g/m²
Format 50 x 70 cm (19,6 x 27,5 inches)

More information on the publisher's website, Moebius Production.
