Jean-Pierre Gibrat - Paris sous la neige (affiche) Ver más grande

Jean-Pierre Gibrat - Paris sous la neige (affiche)



Poster by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, published in artbook L'hiver en été.

Format 60 x 40 cm (15,75*23,62 in).

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AutorGIBRAT Jean-Pierre
EditorEditions Daniel Maghen
Número de páginas1
Altura (cm)60
Ancho (cm)40
Peso (kg)0.1
Fecha de publicación03/2023

Más información

Jean-Pierre Gibrat is back! Paris sous la neige, an illustration from Gibrat's fantastic art book, L'Hiver en été (Maghen editions) has been released as a poster for the first time!

We are thrilled to announce that in addition to Paris sous la neige, 8 more illustrations have been printed by Maghen Editions and released as posters!

The posters are being released simultaneously with Maghen Edition's portfolio, "Au-delà de l'horizon", containing 12 posters by Gibrat. This portfolio is very special, as each one contains a signed poster by the illustrator, Gibrat.

This is an art event that fans of Gibrat's have been happily anticipating for a decade! The wait is over and it has been worth it, these posters are very special.

Offset printing on a quality paper, format 60 x 40 cm (15,75 x 23,62 in).

French Resistance, Gibrat, Art Posters, Russian Revolution, October Revolution, Spanish Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Illustrator, Bande Dessinee

J-P Gibrat on Youtube

You can find originals by Jean-Pierre Gibrat on the Galerie Maghen website.

More information on the publisher's website (French).
