Dunn & Richardson - The Night Before Christmas


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The Night Before Christmas, a literary classic by Clément C. Moore, gorgeously illustrated by Chris Dunn and re-told by Steve Richardson.

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AuteurDunn & Richardson
ÉditeurImpossible Dreams Publishing
ReliureCouverture cartonnée
Nombre de pages32
Hauteur (cm)26
Largeur (cm)26
Épaisseur (cm)0.8
Poids (kg)0.403
Date de publication Novembre 2022

En savoir plus

"Not a creature was stirring" – excepting, of course,  the epic-ly huge polar bear squeezing out from the fireplace with a sack of toys – in this flawless and wonderfully illustrated re-telling of Clement C. Moore's classic Christmas story, The Night Before Christmas.

Families and young readers will love the lavish watercolor illustrations of the polar bear Santa, Pa Bunny in his cap, the reindeer sweeping across the sky, and of course the cosy home of a wee mouse and two baby kits, blissfully asleep through all the action.

Christopher Dunn is an English illustrator working mainly with watercolors. He has  worked with prestigious names such as the BBC and The Times. In 2018, he illustrated the gorgeous children's book Paisley Rabbit and the Treehouse Contest, winner of Book of the Year Award and Best Children's Picture Book Award (Kid's Picture Books) in the UK. In 2022, with Editions Caurette, he launched the highly popular and successful crowdfunding campaign for The Wind in the Willows, which quickly attracted more than 1500 backers.

To see this incredible artist's work 'up close and personal', his paintings are exhibited at the galerie Maghen in Paris.

To find out more about Chris Dunn, check out his website and his Instagram.
