GIBRAT Jean-Pierre


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He releases his first comics in the late 80's. In 1982,with Berroyer, he illustrates La Parisienne. In the 90's, with Guy Vidal and Dominique Leguillier, he's part of a team designing books for Doctors without borders and in 1995, he tries something a bit more erotic with Pinocchia.

In 1997, he publishes the first (out of two) installments of th...

He releases his first comics in the late 80's. In 1982,with Berroyer, he illustrates La Parisienne. In the 90's, with Guy Vidal and Dominique Leguillier, he's part of a team designing books for Doctors without borders and in 1995, he tries something a bit more erotic with Pinocchia.

In 1997, he publishes the first (out of two) installments of the very successfull Le Sursis. Julien Sarlat, who observes a quiet life in a small village in Aveyron (France) lives, as the name of the series indicates, on borrowed time but he and his lover, Cécile, have conquered the audience's hearts.

Same genre, and within the same publisher's collection three years later, Gibrat is offering a colourful story with Le vol du Corbeau, illustrating the life of Jane, a young woman taking part in the French resistance and François, a thief in Paris which was occupied by the Germans during the war. This series ended in 2005.

Jean-Pierre Gibrat received in 2006 the drawing award during the Angoulême Festival for the second installment of Le vol du Corbeau. In October 2008, he releases Mattéo, première époque, 1914-1915.


GIBRAT Jean-Pierre Ci sono 13 prodotti.

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