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I prezzi sono IVA inclusa
À l'occasion de son 65ème anniversaire, redécouvrez l'aventure Boule et...
ONLY IN FRENCH! Artbook dédié à Undertaker, la saga mythique illustrée...
L'homme qui voulut être roi - Les carnets retrouvés Par Rudyard Kipling et Armel Gaulme Préface d'Érik L'Homme Présentation complète de l'ouvrage sur le site des Éditions CauretteTHIS BOOK IS IN FRENCH ONLY
The BESTiary - Skecthbook #1 by Armel GAULME FIRST EDITION
Histoire d'une mouette et du chat qui lui apprit à voler (The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly) Adapted from Luis SEPULVEDA's novel by CEVER IN FRENCH ONLY!
Léa Lapin et le concours de cabanes by Christopher Dunn and Richard Stevenson
Le vent dans les saules (The Wind in the Willows) by Kenneth Grahame, translated in French by Gérard Joulié and illustrated by Chris Dunn
Les Gardiens du Maser - Intégrale de Massimiliano FREZZATO
Los ángeles French Version - Deluxe edition, by Sylvain Despretz
Elsewhere - The fantasy art of Jesper Ejsing Read a complete review of the book on the website of Caurette Editions
THE BIG KOPINSKI - Sketches and Illustrations by Karl Kopinski Read a complete review of the book on the website of Caurette Editions