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Alex Alice is a French graphic novel writer and artist. Born in 1974, he grew up in the south of France and had the chance to travel around Europe, where he developed a life-long passion for the ruins and castles of the medieval and romantic ages.

This influence infused his art, from the grim medieval setting of esoteric thriller The Third Test...

Alex Alice is a French graphic novel writer and artist. Born in 1974, he grew up in the south of France and had the chance to travel around Europe, where he developed a life-long passion for the ruins and castles of the medieval and romantic ages.

This influence infused his art, from the grim medieval setting of esoteric thriller The Third Testament, co-written with Xavier Dorison, to the primeval, mythic world of Siegfried, an operatic re-telling of the Northern saga of the great dragon-slayer. Alex's interests range from cinema and animation to painting and illustration, and extends to fine art and sculpture.

His new ongoing series is his most personal work to date, Castle in the Stars, he draws on Jules Verne and nineteenth century romanticism to create a watercolor world of adventure and wonder, to enchant adults and younger readers alike.

His most recent work, a two volume art book, expanding his Castle in the Stars series : The Universe in 1875, has been published by Caurette in 2022.

His works have been translated into 19 languages and have received numerous awards and prizes, including four Spectrum Awards.


ALICE Alex Ci sono 17 prodotti.

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