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Stonehouse's anatomy, anatomy for all artists, by JeongHyun SEOK, aka...
Omphalos (Sketchbook 2015) by Kim Jung Gi More on
Here comes the first sketchbook by the very talented artist Rembert...
Elsewhere - The fantasy art of Jesper Ejsing Read a complete review of...
THE BIG KOPINSKI - Sketches and Illustrations by Karl Kopinski Read a...
Dynamic Bible I - A method for dynamic sketching by acclaimed artist and...
ONLY IN FRENCH! Artbook dédié à Undertaker, la saga mythique illustrée...
Immerse yourself in the disturbing, gothic feminine universe of an...
“ 21” is the second original art book by Malaysian illustrator Zeen...
Christophe Blain, dessiner le temps Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!
Cosey - une quête de l’épure Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!
Emmanuel Guibert, en bonne compagnie Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics FestivalFrench version only!
Hermann, le naturaliste de la bande dessinée Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!
Ikegami, À corps perdus Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival. French version only!
Les mondes de Wallace Wood Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics FestivalFrench version only!
Lorenzo Mattotti, Attraper la course Catalogue d'exposition du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d'Angoulême.French version only !
Manara - Itinéraire d'un maestro, de Pratt à Caravage Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!
Moto Hagio, Au delà des genres Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival.French version only !
50th Anniversary portfolio of the Angoulême International Comics Festival, showcasing 50 poster reproductions and a 16-sheet booklet. Limited to 1000 copies, each book is numbered!
René Goscinny, scénariste, quel métier ! Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!
Shigeru Mizuki, contes d'une vie fantastique Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics FestivalFrench version only!
Yoshiharu Tsuge : être sans exister Exhibition Catalogue from the Angoulême International Comics Festival French version only!