



Born in 1967 in Grenade, Spain, Juanjo Guarnido is a well-known comic book illustrator. There is no need to present his most famous series Blacksad, which he has created with Juan Diaz Canales. He is also behind projects such as Sorcelleries, based on the storyline of Teresa Valero, as well as the musical video Freak of the weel of Freak Kitchen.

Born in 1967 in Grenade, Spain, Juanjo Guarnido is a well-known comic book illustrator. There is no need to present his most famous series Blacksad, which he has created with Juan Diaz Canales. He is also behind projects such as Sorcelleries, based on the storyline of Teresa Valero, as well as the musical video Freak of the weel of Freak Kitchen.


GUARNIDO Juanjo 3 個の商品があります。

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