



Born in the 1990’s in the Guangdong (south of China), Zao Dao is one of the youngest Chinese avant-garde artist.

Illustrator virtuoso, her talent as a watercolourist is already well-known in China.

She began to publish her drawings on the internet in 2011. She has a very original style mixing some elements of traditional Chinese paintings with a...

Born in the 1990’s in the Guangdong (south of China), Zao Dao is one of the youngest Chinese avant-garde artist.

Illustrator virtuoso, her talent as a watercolourist is already well-known in China.

She began to publish her drawings on the internet in 2011. She has a very original style mixing some elements of traditional Chinese paintings with a graphic modernity.

Under her paintbrush, the characters that she brings to life can give the impression of a rebel and marginal teenager but her search for freedom remains her first token of creativity.


DAO Zao  4 個の商品があります。

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4 件中の 1 - 4