Othello, one of William Shakespeare's most emblematic tragedies, illustrated by Julien Delval.
(English deluxe version)
The standard version is over here! La version française, c'est par ici !
著者 | William Shakespeare & Julien Delval |
編集者 | Caurette Eds. |
製本 | Hardcover |
ページ数 | 224 |
本の高さ (cm) | 28 |
本の幅 (cm) | 21 |
本の厚さ (cm) | 2.5 |
本の重さ (kg) | 2.3 |
舌 | English |
本の発行日 | 05/2022 |
ISBN | 978-2-38289-032-5 |
The play is set in motion when Othello, a heroic black general in the service of Venice, appoints Cassio and not Iago as his chief lieutenant. Jealous of Othello’s success and envious of Cassio, Iago plots Othello’s downfall by falsely implicating Othello’s wife, Desdemona, and Cassio in a love affair. With the unwitting aid of his wife, Emilia, and the willing help of Roderigo, a fellow malcontent, Iago executes his wicked plan.
Read more about the play here.
A truly timeless classic from English literature, Othello has influenced many authors and artists throughout the years.
The painfully passionate and romantic atmosphere of the story makes it a perfect inspiration for painters as well, with its most famous representation being from Eugène Delacroix, who painted Othello et Desdémone between 1847 and 1849. Of course, as a painter, Julien couldn't miss this opportunity to illustrate his own vision of this story.After the success of his Monograph, Julien Delval & Caurette Editions are delighted to present this new project, a magnificent illustrated version of Othello, one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies. Julien's talent combined with Franck Achard's graphic miracles have turned this project into a gorgeous book, which will be available in two languages and two versions, standard and deluxe.
This is the deluxe edition, an enhanced version of Othello, with a beautifully textured cover in an equally beautiful slipcase made from the same material.
And if you'd prefer the French version, it's over here.
After studying fine art, Julien Delval began as an illustrator for the role-playing company, Multisim, illustrating the famous Ticket to Ride, among others. After creating numerous bookcovers for different publishing houses, he is now mostly focused on personal works, supported by the Galerie Maghen in Paris. The scenes he creates of ancient worlds, mythology and fantasy, are inspired and influenced by both classical painting and imagery of the 20th century.
"I have always been a fan of Shakespeare’s work, from open air recitals in the park in Cambridge to big screen adaptations and illustrated volumes by the greats Rackham and Dulac.
When I thought about which of this great author’s plays I would most like to illustrate, the tragedy of Othello immediately sprung to mind for its notoriety and timelessness. I also chose it for its fantastic setting: Venice, Cyprus, and the Mediterranean during the renaissance.
Of course, theatre is written to be performed and so what you see here is but a glimpse of the iconic scenes, settings and costumed characters of the play. I have taken a lot of inspiration from the opera backdrops of the 19th century, like those of Pierre-Luc-Charles Cicéri and Philippe Chaperon. I wanted to breathe a little of their distinct baroque style into the scenery and painting in order to reveal the internal conflict and fervour of the characters and thus what lies behind the text."Julien Delval
Find Julien's work online: Instagram / Facebook / Blogspot
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French version / English version