Jean-Pierre Gibrat - Portfolio "Au-delà de l'horizon"



Portfolio:12 gorgeously illustrated posters 60*40 cm by Jean-Pierre Gibrat. One out of the 12 posters has been signed by the artist!

Limited edition, numbered from 1 to 400.


415,00 € 税込

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著者GIBRAT Jean-Pierre
編集者Daniel Maghen
本の高さ (cm)66
本の幅 (cm)45
本の厚さ (cm)0.7
本の重さ (kg)2.1


Jean-Pierre GIBRAT is back! It's been more than 10 years since we've had any new posters from the artist, and Maghen Editions have remedied that with a magnificent portfolio of TWELVE posters in 40x60 cm format (one of which is signed!), in a very nice black monogrammed case, including a 28-page booklet.
Offset printing (of course!), on quality paper, Rives Sensation 270 gr. and limited to 400 ex., signed and numbered.

Illustrations in the portfolio (10 in colour and 2 line drawings) feature Gibrat's characters from his albums (if you haven't yet, go read them, they are GOOD!): Le Sursis, Le Vol du corbeau and Mattéo.
As you can see in the pictures, Cécile and Jeanne are the center of our attention, much to our delight, while the background of 1940s  Paris  is magnificently recreated  for the occasion.

Jean Pierre Gibrat, Art Posters, Spanish Civil War, Russian Revolution, October Revolution, World War 1, World War 2, Bande dessinee, Illustration  
You can find the artist's illustrations on the Daniel Maghen's website (Paris).
Note: If the package arrives damaged (it should NOT but... we all know how delicate postal services can be), please let the carier know at delivery (when possible) and let us know as soon as you can.
