Embark on a journey through the art of Gu Zheng Wei imaginative world, and uncover a prolific portfolio packed with gritty details of the urban landscape and dark, surreal imagery.
Mandy's Beatiful Birthday Suit by Dean Yeagle, signed by the artist. Only available in English
Ken Hultgren's The Know-How of Cartooning, a timeless guide for advanced and beginner animators alike!
The World of Guweiz: The Art of Gu Zheng Wei follows the digital artist as he explores the new narrative focus of his most recent works.
Faeries of the Faultlines, artwork of Iris Compiet
Tirage de luxe de Pinocchio adapté en bande dessinée par Luciano Bottaro pour le journal Il Giornalino en 1981 et publié par les éditions Periodici San Paolo en 1995. Une exclusivité des Éditions Caurette ! Tirage limité à 299 exemplaires, tous numérotés. French version only!
Hardcover book in both German and English languages showcasing the epic portfolio of fantasy artist Larry Elmore.
Oriental Fantasy - Collective Collection of digital fantasy illustrations with an Oriental theme!
Les Éditions Callidor remettent en avant l'illustratrice Suzanne-Raphaële LAGNEAU (1890-1985), injustement tombée dans l’oubli, avec cette édition luxueuse de Salammbô, un chef-d’œuvre de la littérature française écrit par Gustave FLAUBERT. ONLY IN FRENCH!
Le Codex de Simon de Thuillières rassemble près de 200 enluminures qui revisitent les personnages de notre pop culture telle qu’auraient pu la voir nos aïeux du moyen-âge. French version only!
Kingfisher, signed poster. 50 x 50 cm Offset printing on matt paper, by Jean-Baptiste Monge.Please note that for the purchase of books and posters, two separate orders are required because each have different packaging and shipping costs. We thank you for your understanding!
Anita Bomba Tome 1, Journal d'une Emmerdeuse de Cromwell & Eric Gratien IN FRENCH!
Rackham's Color Illustrations for Wagner's "Ring". Find all the 64 (full-color) watercolor illustrations from Siegfried & The Twilight of the Gods (1911) and The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie (1912).
Sketch.Box: Somnath Pal, a sketchbook dedicated to Somnath Pal's art