Sergio TOPPI


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Born in 1932, Sergio Toppi began his career by working in animated movies then drew regularly for the Italian children press. In the 70’s he is a major figure of the transalpine comic book. People first notice him in France with his participation to l’Histoire de France en BD, then to the Un Homme une Aventure series. From 1997, Mosquito Edition...

Born in 1932, Sergio Toppi began his career by working in animated movies then drew regularly for the Italian children press. In the 70’s he is a major figure of the transalpine comic book. People first notice him in France with his participation to l’Histoire de France en BD, then to the Un Homme une Aventure series. From 1997, Mosquito Editions present an overview of his amazing work by publishing first le Dossier Kokombo, and then Ile Pacifique.

Some of his comic book pages were selected for the exhibition of “The Masters of the European comic book” at the Bibliothèque Nationale then for the Musée de la bande dessinée d’Angoulême.

Toppi died of cancer on August 21rst 2012.

Mosquito Editions are still publishing his work today. After being published in seven European countries, Toppi will soon be published in Japan.


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