ONLY IN FRENCH! Artbook dédié à Undertaker, la saga mythique illustrée...
Immerse yourself in the disturbing, gothic feminine universe of an...
“ 21” is the second original art book by Malaysian illustrator Zeen...
Alex Konstad is from Portland’s forests (Oregon). He is both a concept artist and an illustrator. Alex worked for Blizzard Entertainment, Games, Reelfx, Psyop FX, Games Workshop, SpinMaster Toays and Sony Online Entertainment, to name a few. He is living in Los Angeles and working for Netflix.
After Obliskura comes the next book by Alex Konstad: Hell of a Story. Live on Kickstarter until November 3rd
After Obliskura comes the next book by Alex Konstad: Hell of a Story. This Premium Edition is only available during the crowdfunding campaign! Live on Kickstarter until November 3rd
Obliskura: the long-awaited artbook by artist Alex Konstad! Reprinted thanks to the Hell of a Story Kickstarter campaign