作者 | Apollonia SAINTCLAIR |
编辑 | Encre Sympathique |
制本 | Softcover |
页数 | 148 |
书高 (cm) | 28.5 |
书本宽度 (cm) | 23 |
书重 (kg) | 0.390 |
舌头 | English and French |
书的出版日期 | 2017 |
ISBN | 9783952480373 |
Ink is my Blood is a series of artbooks showcasing most of Apollonia Saintclair's graphic work.
The Volume 2, second of the series, covers the artist's production between 2014 and 2015.
You will also find an introduction by the director of the renowned French erotic publishing house, La Musardine !
Texts written by Dimitris Karathanos and Thomas Selzam.
The other volumes of the Ink is my Blood series are available here!
Video presentation of the book here.